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【113/12/12】16:10-17:00 Colloquium:Assistant Professor Yu-Tsung Tai(National Chung Hsing University)



Date 2024-12-12  16:10-17:00
Place Mathtmatics Building 1F Classroom 3174
Speaker Assistant Professor Yu-Tsung Tai(National Chung Hsing University)
Title Interval-Valued Probability Measures, Their Quantum Extension, and Security
Abstract The probability of a quantum event is widely computed by inner product and trace of an operator while the probability of a classical event could always characterized by a probability measure. These two completely different characterizations propose a natural question whether they are essentially the same or one formulation is more foundational than the other. While Gleason (1957) had proven that a quantum probability measure could always induced by the trace of density operators when the dimension of Hilbert space is larger or equal to three, we proved that this is not always the case for nonadditive measures or interval-valued probability measures (IVPM). In this talk, we will discuss why we need to consider IVPMs, the property of quantum IVPMs could be inherited from classical IVPMs or quantum probability measures, and related information security issues.


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