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【113/10/17】16:10-17:00 Colloquium: Professor Jin-Cheng Jiang (National Tsing Hua University)



Date 2024-10-17  16:10-17:00
Place Mathtmatics Building 1F Classroom 3174
Speaker Professor Jin-Cheng Jiang (National Tsing Hua University)
Title The $L^p$ Estimate for the Gain Term of the Boltzmann Collision Operator and Its Application
Abstract We prove the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev type $L^p$ estimates for the gain term of the Boltzmann collision operator including Maxwellian molecule, hard potential and hard sphere models. Combining with the results of Alonso et al. for the soft potential and Maxwellian molecule models, we provide an unified form of $L^p$ estimates for all cutoff models which are sharp in the sense of scaling. The most striking feature of our new estimates for the hard potential and hard sphere models is that they do not increase the moment, the same as Maxwellian molecule and soft potential models. Based on these novelties, we prove the global existence and scattering of the non-negative unique mild solution for the Cauchy problem of the Boltzmann equation when the positive initial data is small in the weighted $L^3_{x,v}$ space.


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