
DATE2022-05-05 16:10-17:00

PLACE數學系館 1F3174教室

SPEAKER劉育佑 助理教授(國立成功大學數學系

TITLEA Semi-Lagrangian Computation of Front Speeds of G-equation in ABC and Kolmogorov Flows with Estimation via Ballistic Orbits

Interface motion in fluids occurs in many scientific and engineering applications. Such phenomena may be modeled by evolutionary PDEs for analysis or simulations. In three dimensional space, to determine the propagation speeds is rather difficult due to complex flow structure and high computational cost. In this talk I will mainly discuss the current work (SIAM MMS 20(1), pp. 107-117) on level-set type combustion model in 3D chaotic flows, in particular (i) construction of ballistic orbits of ABC and Kolmogorov flows (ii) estimation of turbulent flame speeds by optimal control theory and (iii) computation of G-equation using semi-Lagrangian schemes.