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【113/12/26】15:10-16:00 Colloquium:PhD candidate Ya-Chi Chu(Department of Mathematics, Stanford University)



Date 2024-12-26  15:10-16:00
Place Mathtmatics Building 1F Classroom 3174
Speaker PhD candidate Ya-Chi Chu(Department of Mathematics, Stanford University)
Title Fast Regularized Interior Point Method for Large Scale Separable Convex Quadratic Programs
Abstract Optimization problems are increasingly scaling to larger dimensions, making it challenging to achieve high precision levels, such as 1e-6 to 1e-8, with traditional solvers. Addressing these large-scale problems requires algorithms that are carefully designed to enhance both efficiency and accuracy. In this talk, we will present a new algorithm for convex separable quadratic programming (QP) called Nys-IP-PMM, a regularized interior-point solver that uses low-rank structure to accelerate the Newton system solves. The algorithm combines the interior point proximal method of multipliers (IP-PMM) with the randomized Nyström preconditioned conjugate gradient method as the inner linear system solver. Our algorithm is matrix-free: it accesses the input matrices solely through matrix-vector products, as opposed to methods involving matrix factorization. It works particularly well for separable QP instances with dense constraint matrices. The convergence of Nys-IP-PMM is established. Numerical experiments demonstrate its superior performance in terms of wallclock time compared to previous matrix-free IPM-based approaches.


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